This is an archive of the review of the Model for the Coordination of Services to Children and Youth website. It will not be updated further.

The following questions and answers were written for parents/guardians. They are intended to assist with an understanding of the ISSP process. A similar version of these questions along with a Q and A format on Pathways will be published by the NLTA in the near future.

What is the ISSP
The ISSP (Individual Support Services Plan) is designed by a team, including you and all the other people who are working with your child. The purpose of the (ISSP) is to coordinate supports and services for your child from all agencies (Education; Health and Community Services; Justice; Human Resources and Employment; Youth Services and Post Secondary Education).

When will a child need an ISSP?
An ISSP can be developed for any child (birth - age 21) as soon as he/she requires support on an ongoing basis from one or more of the service providers. As soon as a question of a need arises, the person working with your child will be in touch with you. You will be informed of things which have been tried and the process which will follow to determine the exact nature of your child's strengths and needs. You will be asked to give consent for assessment and advised of all results. You will have input into all discussions and decisions regarding the supports and services your child/youth requires.

Who could be members of ISSP teams?
You and your child and representatives of any agencies who might be working with your child form the team. You may also bring an advocate to a meeting.

Who can call the ISSP team meeting?
A service provider presently working with your child/youth, or you as a parent can call the initial team meeting. Further meetings are called by the team manager.

Who brings information to the meeting?
Every team member is expected to bring a list of the child's strengths and needs to a team meeting.

Who writes the ISSP?
The members of the ISSP team work together to design the plan. It will include your child's strengths, needs and goals as well as services required. The plan is approved and signed by all members. Individual team members will then develop separate components, or portions, of the plan in their own areas of expertise. These components include the steps required to achieve the goal. When each component is completed, it is submitted to the Individual Support Services Manager (ISSM).

Who can be the ISSM?
Any team member can be the manager. The manager is responsible for getting everybody together and chairing the team meetings. The manager is also the keeper of the ISSP file and makes sure the Child/Youth Profile is completed.

What is a Child/Youth Profile?
The Child/Youth Profile is a form which summarizes your child's needs and the degree to which those needs are being met. The paper copy of the form is submitted to the Child Health Coordinator or service providers have the option of electronically submitting the form themselves. Prior to completion of the profile, you will be asked to sign a consent form. At that time, you will be told how the information will be used.

Who gets a copy of the ISSP?
Everyone who attends the team meeting will receive a copy of the agreed upon overall plan. The ISSP manager and the parents will receive a copy of the entire ISSP, which includes the team meeting and all the components that were developed from the agreed upon goals. However, individual team members will only receive a copy of the component(s) which he/she will implement.

What happens if the team members don't agree?
Should the team be unable to reach consensus regarding any part of the ISSP, the disagreement should be recorded on the ISSP team meeting summary sheet. The issue or concern should be addressed at a later date or at the next team meeting. However, the plan should continue in those areas/goals where there is agreement.

What is my role as a parent?
You have a very important role in the make-up and implementation of any plan which is intended to meet the needs of your child. You will be asked to discuss your child's strengths and needs and sign a consent for the release and sharing of relevant information. You and your child will be included as a member of the team and will participate in the development and implementation of the plan.

What is the role of the child/youth in the ISSP process?
The child should be a participant in the ISSP process, unless compelling reasons exist which would prevent his/her direct involvement.

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